Welcome to the Open Inventor Toolkit Use Case Gallery

Thermo Scientific™ Open Inventor™ Toolkit helps application developers deliver better applications faster, by providing fast, powerful, dependable 3D graphics libraries.
In this gallery you will find commercial application examples, scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or videos that show Open Inventor Toolkit usage in Medical, Dental, Oil & Gas, and Engineering markets.
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FracSIS software for exploration and mining

FracSIS software for exploration and mining

RungePincockMinarco’s FracSIS software system, powered by Open Inventor, is a spatial database and 3D visualization package for the exploration and mining industry. It is an essential tool for exploration managers and geologists helping them to make better informed decisions about their daily operations.

FracSIS combines a powerful object-oriented database specifically designed to store geological, geochemical and geophysical data with an interactive 3D visualization environment. The... Read more


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